Estilad® Hair Loss

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Hair Loss is a cocktail solution of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and stem cells growth factors, nutrients specially selected to synergistically fight hair loss while providing protein biosynthesis


Hair Loss is a cocktail solution of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and stem cells growth factors, nutrients specially selected to synergistically fight hair loss while providing protein biosynthesis, increasing cell reproduction and a suitable energy intake for the hair follicle to remain productive.

In case of androgenic hair loss may be triggered by genetics. There are still three physiological causes for Hair Loss:

1. Hormonal imbalances, in and around the hair follicle, particularly an excess of hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone)

2. A reduction in blood circulation

3. A deficiency in suitable nutrients

Estilad® Hair Loss contains a number of nutrients:

  • Cegaba stimulates cells growth and cells proliferation, supporting cell metabolism.
  • Capilia Longa (Stem Cells growth factors) is rich in signaling peptides, specially designed to create the optimal micro-environment for hair growth reactivation.
  • Mannitol provides hydration.
  • Asiatic Spark Extract increases blood supply by reducing the permeability and increasing the resistance of blood capillaries to the affected area, with an anti-inflammatory effect and antimicrobial properties.
  • Panthenol accelerates cells repair, rebuilds damaged tissue and promotes a balanced keratinization of the skin and hair. Panthenol is a precursor of Vitamin B5, which inhibits the production of DHT.
  • Organic Silanol stimulates the synthesis of dermal macromolecules and prevents their degradation.
  • Troxerutin, a flavonoid derivative of rutin, has a protective effect against cellular damage.
  • Riboflavin and Nicotinamide PP strengthen hair and reduce DHT.
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7) stimulates the energy of cells metabolism.
  • Zinc Gluconate supports cell immunity.
  • Ginkgo Biloba strengthens capillaries and improves microcirculation.
  • Hyaluronic Acid Cube3® provides hydration to the cells, retaining moisture and enables efficient cell to cell communication.

Product Features :

  • Hair Loss Meso-cocktail solution, 5 Vials x 10 ml, 50 mL e 1,69 fl oz.
  • Strengthens hair, combating and preventing hair loss.
  • Sterile professional solution, WFI and Osmolarity Balanced.

Directions :

Apply on clean and dry skin and massage in until completely absorbed, or via virtual meso, skin needling, transdermal techniques.


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